Landhaus Waldblick is located close to the Arlberg skiing area and is a perfect place for your unforgettable wintersport or summer vacation!

"We loved the Vorarlberg and we loved Schruns. We would go there about Thanksgiving time and stay until nearly Easter. There was always skiing, even though Schruns was not high enough for a ski resort except in a winter of heavy snow. But climbing was fun and no one minded it in those days. You set a certain pace well under the speed at which you could climb, and it was easy and your heart felt good and you were proud of the weight of your rucksack. Part of the climb up to the Madlener Haus was steep and very tough. But the second time you made that climb it was easier, and finally you made it easily with double the weight you had carried at first."
Ernest Hemingway
"Moveable feast"